Meal Prep is Key...Create Healthy Habits!

We have made it to yet another Sunday...and a beautiful one at that! Happy Easter to those you celebrate! Happy Passover to those who celebrate. We have had such an eventful Sunday so far. Slept in a little, took Kaya to the forest preserve dog park, that lets her run through the woods unleashed, yet fenced in. Today, that definitely took a lot out of me, cause she met lots of doggy friends, some of which were super playful AND very vocal. Gets moms anxiety going. We then came home and instead of doing my usual, lay down on the couch to rest, I walked straight in the kitchen. SCORE! I decided to take an hour and do some MASSIVE food prep, and that is exactly what I did.

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I had an entirely different blog set up for today, but  decided to change my tune. The power of food prep is so important and I wanted to spend some time today discussing that. Whether it was Weight Watchers or even my own health program, food prep is truly what sets you up for success. Some people go to the extent of packing their lunches for the week, but for me, all I need to do to find the success is choose a couple things I really enjoy and prepare it. Again, finding what works best for you. My husband enjoys it too because he is my food tester.

Photo Courtesy of My Kitchen :)
My husband enjoying a homemade Egg Salad Sammy

So the big question is why is food prep so important? To simply put it, you dedicate one-hour to prep five different things to last you the entire week, and BAM, success. You can go to your fridge, enjoy a little snack and have your favorite healthy meals or snacks waiting for you. You dedicate a little bit of time on your Saturday or Sunday to set you up for FIVE days of success. I would say that is a win!

I'm not sure about any of you, but I know when I get hungry and it settles in I get HANGRY, ha! While going through Weight Watchers I realized what a grazer I was. I would sometimes eat the caloric intake while preparing my meals as the meal itself. That was pretty mind blowing for me. With that program its all about, "if you bite it, write it." This task brought a lot of my vices to the forefront, in which, I could start addressing. Knowledge is power. I realized how many empty calories I would consume. I am one of those people that shuts down when I am hungry and can't find anything I enjoy, so that is why food prep is the KEY to my success. I'm not perfect at it and I am sure there are lots of other things I could do to step my game up, but you gotta start somewhere right?! I have done this now for a few years, and I do know I want to get really good at a couple tasks and then spread my wings and add more. 

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Another challenge for me, in my past, is my all or nothing personality. Sometimes I would set out to complete a task and when I wouldn't accomplish it, I would feel defeated and never try it again. I had to teach myself that it is a great quality as long as it works for you NOT against you. So I had to let go a little and realize that all or nothing isn't always attainable. To prevent myself from biting off too much than I could chew, I start small and build up. So for an example, here is what I did meal prep on today....

My Sunday Meal Prep
Photo Courtesy of My Kitchen :)
My favorite eats that can transform in too many types of meals!!!!

  • Carrots. We LOVE carrots in this house, so we buy them in bulk. I actually enjoy the process of peeling and cutting a TON of carrots to last a few weeks even. It takes time and can be a pain, but its worth it, cause for some reason they taste so much more fresh :)
  • Celery. This is another great veggie to have on hand when you are SUPER hungry and need to calm your system down. I have to say this is the one veggie that slows my mind, so I can make the right choice for my meal rather than rummaging through my cabinets snacking on anything I can find. TRUST me, I used to do this ALL the time and even sometimes now, but I try to have those healthy snacks available.
  • Cashew Cheese Dip. We are beyond HUGE fans of this dipping sauce. It doubles great for celery, Tostito Bite Size Chips or even as a spread on a sandwich. This is a healthy alternative to a lot of veggie dips and lasts. Check out my blog on Magic in the Kitchen to find the recipe.
  • Vegan Cesar Dressing. Now this is where its at for me. This is a dressing my entire family loves and it is easy to make a lot to last a few weeks, that is unless we eat it first. Check out my Yummy Vegan Cesar Salad blog for the recipe.
  • Egg Salad. This is a great meal to prep that can last for days. We use either eggs or even tofu for a vegan egg-less egg salad to keep handy. When you are super hungry and don't have a lot of time, having this available in the fridge can go a long way.
  • Matzo Ball Soup. I LOVE having this soup in the house, it reminds me of my grandma's house. When I got sick, this was something that I started making and had no idea how accessible it was for me. Prepare the matzo balls, cut up carrots & celery and add it to veggie broth. Let it boil for about a half hour and enjoy! This soup is super filling and amazing to keep handy.
As you can see from the above, there aren't a ton of things that I prepped today, but I chose the items that speak most to me and my families needs. We eat a lot of Spaghetti Squash and Veggie burgers throughout the week, but those are items we typically make the day of. By having a few items handy and ready to go makes the other meals so much more accessible. Again, it isn't about making every single meal, its about starting with what works for you. 

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Try it this week or maybe next. Take an hour or two on an off day, where you can prep items that will keep you feeling successful in your health and wellness journey. Do this for a few months, and get really good at it. Once you get REALLY good or even feel as though you have MASTERED it, then try prepping your meals for the first couple days in the week. Also, don't forget that leftovers make a FANTASTIC next day lunch. So when you decide to make your favorite dinner, make a little extra so you can pack it up for the next day. See, even right there is a little meal prep on the fly!

I hope you are motivated to try this, even by your own definition. Taste the success and know the options are endless and you can do anything. To light, love and happiness!!! <3 Ash


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