My Journey with Life, Detachment & Myocarditis

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   After getting sick this past November, I was face-to-face with the very thing I had struggled with for years, letting go, it was time to rest, time to let my mind and body heal. I had to put the idea of detachment to the test. According to Merriam-Webster Online-

Detachment Defined
: lack of emotion or of personal interest
: the act or process of separating something from a larger thing
: a condition in which something has become separated from something else

   I have always been the type of person to keep myself busy all the time. I get bored, I like to keep my brain stimulated. Turning my love and passion for yoga into a teaching career, I make it work, so I teach in the evenings and weekends. I committed the past year to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a Certified Health Coach. A day job has just never been enough for me, passion is what drives me and keeps me moving forward. My passion is yoga/health/wellness and I will forever be grateful for having this in my life.
   November and December 2014 was a blur for me, no work, no yoga, no teaching, just sleep. Everything I knew came to a screeching halt, my body shut down. I realized how life is the important thing. All the things that fill up my life are amazing miracles and blessings, but I can’t have all of that if I don’t have life. Long story short, a viral infection took over my body and mirrored the symptoms of a heart attack. After a week long stay in the hospital, lots of tests, blood work and so much more, the doctors diagnosed me with Myocarditis, which is the inflammation of the heart muscle. I got very lucky, I listened to my body. My journey had only just begun, the healing process is a long one, so by March 2015 I should be back up and running in my NEW capacity.
   Detachment has been something that I have worked on and honestly have struggled with throughout my life. Being able to separate the need and desire for more and not letting all of the “things” in life define who I am, my very being, can be hard in the society we live in. During my yoga certification in 2012 at Core Power Yoga, the lead instructors were explaining many different concepts, the relation to yoga and how yoga can truly free you from some of these struggles. FINALLY, a word that that describes what I've been experiencing- detachment.
   This will be something that I will continue to work on forever. Remembering  I am enough and I have an entire life to accomplish what I want, I don’t have to cram it all in.
   Some of you may be asking why I decided to have this as my second blog? Or, why I would put something so personal up? My response is, why not? Sometimes we can learn from what others have gone through. My goal isn’t to self promote, my goal is to help others through my own experiences. By being honest with some of my struggles and where I am in the journey of healing. By sharing this could provide a light bulb moment for someone else, before they endure a similar struggle. Trying to create meaning by stepping outside of my comfort zone and provide understanding as to why I started this blog to begin with. Health and wellness  is so important for all of us to take into our own hands, we know are bodies better than anyone else and should always keep that thought in the forefront of our minds. I just got lucky and have been able to re-define what health and wellness means to me.
   Thanks for reading... I really appreciate the support as I continue to learn this whole blogging thing. To continued life, love and happiness.


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