Flipping the Pages of Life

So, here we are a week before our big move! Can’t believe it is here, but I guess it wasn’t really THAT long ago when we found out it was happening. A lot of change so quickly but I am stoked. My stepdaughter doesn’t know we are moving yet, so when we go to pick up the keys tomorrow night we are taking her with us. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she see’s our new home.

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The most daunting part of all of this is getting introduced into the yoga community. Its almost like the first day of school all over again. I have to say so far everyone I have reached out to and even spoken with have been super welcoming and excited for me, so I have to say its all coming together. I can’t believe it! To flip the page into a new chapter in our life and having all the puzzle pieces falling together so nicely, loving it!

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This has also made me question the idea of alignment in my career. I want nothing more than to align my day-to-day work with health and wellness, as scary as it seems, I know it has to happen. I am ready universe. When I think back to my IIN Circle of Life, everything has fallen into alignment, everything that is, except my career. I will say I am happy for where I am at and everything I have learned and achieved, but I am ready to better align my CAREER with my passion and love. I feel so well balanced and it feels so great. Embracing it!

Image Courtesy of IIN

So what’s next, you may ask…who knows. How exciting is that?! ADVENTURE. What I do know, I am excited to find it. I am ready to feel it and live it. To be my true authentic self without question, fear, doubt, to be me through and through. I have always marched to the beat of my own drum and I am lucky to have been surrounded by supportive people.

Who ever would have thought seven years ago when I moved from Kansas City where my life would lead me. I have worked damn hard for where I have gotten and I cherish and embrace each moment. I am one lucky girl who has made life happen in so many different lights. As I was packing up to leave KC my mom handed me a magnet that I have today and below is the quote it stated. Sometimes you just have to trust the process and know everything will be okay!

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Patience is key to it all and patience is NOT my strong suit. I do trust though that all experiences and moments serve a purpose, sometimes greater than what it means in the present moment. I will continue to stay open to the opportunities that exist in the world and know that my time has come and will continue to blossom from here.

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Never doubt any experience or opportunity you may be faced with. Take a moment to embrace the beauty of the universe and the connection you have. Know that you are meant for whatever journey you are on, no matter how easy or how hard. Stay the course. Never doubt yourself and your choices. Learn from challenging times and cherish the good. 

To light, love and happiness. <3 Ash 


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